로고 로고


  • Skyla V2
  • Overview
  • Skyla V2



    This is

    Our goal is to change the world with air mobility technology.

    We are special company developing UAM aircraft and special purpose big drones.

    Based on its own technology and manufacturing ability to enable stable and quiet flight,
    developed and manufactured the first UAM aircraft skyla in Korea,
    and showed excellent flight at national events every time.

    We are participating in the consortium and R&D track field at the K-UAM Grand Challenge, and we are doing our best to develop the urban aviation mobility industry ecosystem

    and secure public acceptance through flight demonstration and participation
    in various demonstration fields.

    In addition, we want to successfully establish Korea's technology and services
    around the world by challenging the global AAM market with partners
    in various fields of the UAM industry as well as aircraft.