로고 로고


  • Reservate a skyla
  • Reservate a skyla
  • Reservate a skyla

    Reservate a skyla

    To reservate your Skyla, a down payment of $20,000 is required. A final payment of $40,000 when your Skyla is ready for delivery at the factory.
    Fill out the form and press submit to reserve your own Skyla If you have any questions, please contact our sales department at business@skylaaero.com

    • Full name
    • Country
    • E-mail
    • Phone number
    • Subject
    • Other questions
    • Prevent auto-enrollment
      자동등록방지 숫자를 순서대로 입력하세요.

    Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information The purpose of collecting personal information is skyla.
    We are collecting only the minimum information necessary to provide our own information and customized services.

    The personal information of all members and visitors registered with shall be used for purposes other than the basic collection purpose or without the consent of the members

    Items and methods of collecting personal information to be collected collects only the minimum amount of information necessary to provide services when collecting user information, and strictly restricts the collection of sensitive personal information.
    스카일라collects only the minimum amount of information necessary to provide services when collecting user information, and strictly restricts the collection of sensitive personal information.

    *Required: Name
    * Required: Email address, home page address, phone number (mobile phone), address Period of possession and use of personal information while you receiving the service provided by this homepage, you will continue to retain your personal information and use it to provide customized services. However, visitors want to leave or In case of loss of visitor qualification under the terms and conditions, the information of the registered visitor will be completely deleted

    Period of possession and use of personal information

    스카일라Is Eun a visitor 스카일라While receiving the service provided by , you will continue to retain your personal information and use it to provide customized services. However, visitors want to leave or 스카일라 In case of loss of visitor qualification under the terms and conditions, the information of the registered visitor will be completely deleted
